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XX ISA World Congress of Sociology

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UON Sociologists representing at the International Sociological Association Conference, Melbourne


Sociologists from a range of career stages, including current PhD candidates, represented the University of Newcastle at the International Sociological Association Conference, which was held in Melbourne in July 2023. The theme of the conference, Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies, aimed to focus on how sociologists worldwide can (and do) contribute to the understanding of the resurgent authoritarianism and analyze the new entanglements of religions, politics, and economies. It focused on how sociologists engage (physically and critically) in the formidable social movements we are witnessing today in different parts of the world and in a renascent civil society.


Sociologists from Newcastle working with international collaborators presented their research on themes ranging from climate politics and activism, far-right mobilisation, digital body image and wellbeing, and youth employment and educational opportunities.


Steven Threadgold was also selected to present in a Presidential Panel about ‘The Sociology of Youth Today’.


You can read the titles of the presentations HERE.


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 2024 UoN Social Sciences 

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